Breathe - All That Jazz [Deluxe Edition] (2013)
Cherry Pop are reissuing their debut as a 2CD deluxe edition, adding a selection of seven inch remixes, B-sides and extended versions. The track count is actually tripled to a generous 33 in total, and the reissue is due for release on 25 February 2013.
Breathe - All That Jazz [Deluxe Edition] (2013)
Why celebrate the public domain? When works go into the public domain, they can legally be shared, without permission or fee. Community theaters can screen the films. Youth orchestras can perform the music publicly, without paying licensing fees. Online repositories such as the Internet Archive, HathiTrust, Google Books, and the New York Public Library can make works fully available online. This helps enable access to cultural materials that might otherwise be lost to history. 1927 was a long time ago. The vast majority of works from 1927 are out of circulation. When they enter the public domain in 2023, anyone can rescue them from obscurity and make them available, where we can all discover, enjoy, and breathe new life into them.
"My hope is that someone who may feel upset, who may feel trapped in that mind set, can take a breather and let the adrenaline dissipate a bit," Park said. "It's a matter of self-care and also a way to get to a place where you can think more clearly about what to do next."