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Jordan Lopez
Jordan Lopez

Hearthstone Which Packs To Buy [HOT]

Unfortunately, (as is often the case) there is no universal answer to this question. Deciding which Hearthstone packs to buy depends heavily on several factors, such as the age of the account, pack purchase history, the proximity of the next Standard rotation, and cards needed to complete specific decks.

hearthstone which packs to buy

Beginning in August 2017, changes to Hearthstone Card Packs were implemented to ensure that players receive a Legendary card in their first 10 packs for a given set. These changes do NOT affect players who have opened ANY packs for a set prior to the change, even if the number of packs opened is less than 10. With this caveat aside, the changes, overall, can dramatically increase the expected Arcane Dust value of Hearthstone packs.

In most scenarios, players opening packs until they find a Legendary can expect an improvement over the typical expected value of 102.71 Arcane Dust per pack. Even in the worst possible scenario, players will receive an average Arcane Dust value of 86 from their first 10 packs which is a dramatic improvement over the typical worst-case average of 48 Arcane Dust per 10 packs.

More than anyone, these changes benefit new and budget-conscious players. A guaranteed Legendary for all older sets gives new accounts a brief boost to catch up their card collections. Likewise, casual and F2P players that open only a handful of packs per expansion can expect to get a Legendary sooner and, in turn, receive better value out of the few packs that they do open.

Pro-tip: When implementing this recommendation, buy packs from the store one at a time. The pack changes guarantee a Legendary card in the first 10 packs, but you may open your Legendary before the 10th pack. Buying packs 10 at a time may result in unnecessary packs with regard to this strategy.

After the preliminary packs are opened, the set each card pack belongs to remains relevant, especially for players eyeing the Standard format. Upon release of the first expansion each year, the sets available in the Standard format is updated. Expansions from two years prior are relegated to the Wild Format and are no longer available in Standard play mode.

As such, cards sets (with the exception of the Classic set) have an expiration date with regard to Standard. Keeping the Standard rotation in mind can help players determine which packs will give them longer

The closer you get to a complete collection within a set, the less likely you are to open new cards. With the exception of Legendary cards, for which duplicates are no longer possible, the more cards accumulated from a particular set, the less likely it becomes that new cards will be opened. For this reason, the value of a given set decreases non-linearly with each pack opened.

When it comes to Epics and Legendaries, it feels bad to go on a drought with these higher rarity cards. To account for this, Hearthstone implements pity timers for their card packs. Pity timers guarantee an Epic and Legendary cards within a given amount of packs.

Essentially, the greater distance between the last opened Epic or Legendary, the greater chances of opening a card of that rarity. Players can use this information to their benefit and determine which card pack offers the higher probability of an Epic/Legendary drop.

The main point of accumulating cards from packs is to build powerful decks. As such, specific decks should be kept in mind when targeting card packs. In general, packs that offer the most potential upgrades should be considered in addition to the recommendations above.

A simple spreadsheet can be used to get a better idea of which packs offer the most value in terms of deck building. First, create a list of cards needed from each set. Then, depending on the rarity of the cards on the list, determine which pack offers the highest likelihood of opening a card on the list. Targeting packs from that set should help fill in any gaps in decklists.

hey was wondering. If I buy say 12 packs of classic the pity timer goes to 38. Then I buy 1 pack of KFT, does that reset the pity timer for the classic packs and all packs? So I would then become 39 more to get a legendary? Basically is it ok for me to switch around and buy diferent packs or does that ruin the pity timer

I would like some help on purchasing some packs. I got a 53% collection. Got all the card from fractured AV. What card packs would be good to buy, are the standard packs the best option or a specific expansion? I eventually want all the cards that can be acquired. Anyone got a good strategy?

Then look through the other 14 expansions for which commons you want and get packs form those sets until you have all the ones you want. Then do the same for rares which will fill in the entire set of commons for you.

Statistics for card packs are a means of observing the rarity drop rates for cards from card packs, determining the opportunity cost of whether a player should continue to buy or not buy packs.

"Pity Timers" exist,[18][6] which define the maximum number of packs that a player opens before guaranteeing the next Rare/Epic/Legendary card.[19][20] Pity Timer counters are tracked individually for each store-bought expansion set, including the Classic set. Previously, it was stated that golden packs did not have pity timers,[21][18] but the official 2023 stats indicate that golden packs also have pity timers.[6]

The official exact pity timers were published by Blizzard on March 14, 2023.[6] The rarity/quality is listed first, then the amount of packs needed to be opened before you are guaranteed to get another one of the exact same rarity and quality.

In addition, Blizzard announced that beginning with Knights of the Frozen Throne, players are guaranteed at least one legendary card in their first 10 packs from any given expansion.[22] This, however, does not apply to Golden Classic packs.[21][18] Combined with the usual 40-pack pity timer, this implies that if a player buys a 50-pack bundle (of packs of a never-before-opened type), they're guaranteed at least 2 legendaries, and can reasonably expect 3 or more.

Cards found in packs also have different cosmetic qualities. Common, Rare, and Epic rarity cards can be of two different qualities: Normal or Golden. Legendary rarity cards can be of three different qualities: Normal, Golden, or Signature.

The following numbers combine data from several other studies on this page. Since it has at times been suggested that the distribution of cards has changed over time or is different for different expansions, the numbers are shown per expansion. Note that all data collection has been done for each expansion when it was the most recent expansion, so there is for example no data available for card distribution in Classic packs that were opened after the release of Goblins vs Gnomes.

The data from Marinconz does not include details of regular vs. golden opened in the packs. However, all other studies did include this data. After excluding the 5,000 cards from Marinconz' study, this results in the following probabilities of finding regular or golden cards of any rarity when opening packs. (For readability, the totals and the percentages are split over two separate tables):

Disregarding the data from GvG (which is statistically irrelevant because of the small sample size), it appears that the chance of receiving a golden common card has been slightly increased as of the Old Gods expansion, while simultaneously lowering the chance of a regular common card. In other words, the chance of a common is unchanged, but any common card generated has an increased chance to be golden.

On June 5th 2014 Steve Marinconz published the following results in an article on[24] The data was collected by aggregating the results of numerous card pack opening videos found online, with a total of 1,000 packs. The study used only videos filmed in the last two months.

* NOTE: The data in this row is as published in the article, but appears to be incorrect. According to these numbers, the chance of finding at least one Rare or better card in a pack is (73.11 + 19.73 + 6.33) = 99.17%, which is inconsistent with the guarantee of at least one Rare or better card. Apparently Marinconz computed these figures from the "Percentage of total" chances, based on the assumption of a flat distribution; however the "at least 1 Rare or better" guarantee invalidates this assumption and hence these numbers.

Unfortunately, Marinconz only posted aggregated data. Without data about individual packs, it is not possible to use this data for the "Probability of at least 1 per pack" table in the Meta-study. Also, since Steve didn't publish the exact number of golden cards, this study has also been excluded from any of the tables representing the chance of golden cards.

In August 2014 E. R. Kjellgren published an investigation into the rarities of cards found in card packs.[25] This was achieved by collecting user data from forums regarding the contents of 11,359 different card packs. The author notes that the investigation suffered from two main problems: the information collected was anonymous and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed; and the sample size, while adequate for the lower rarities, is still smaller than might be desired for the higher rarities. Kjellgren also divided rarities into golden and regular versions.

Unfortunately, the sources for this pack opening only include aggregated data. Without data about individual packs, it is not possible to use this data for the "Probability of at least 1 per pack" table in the Meta-study.

Note: These rules do not apply to Mini Sets. Mini Sets are bundles of specific cards. Mini Sets are not card packs and are not subject to randomness. If a Mini Set includes cards that are already in your collection, you will still receive those cards. 041b061a72


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